Techtic Solutions
10 min readAug 8, 2023


Congratulations on your thrilling decision to launch your brand directly to consumers (D2C)! This is a momentous step, particularly in light of the evolving buying habits and the increasing trend of online shopping.

Embarking on the journey of starting a D2C brand might seem daunting, given the multitude of tasks and uncertainties involved, but fret not, as we’ve got you covered!

Here are seven fantastic tips to kickstart your venture.

7 Essential Tips for Building Your D2C Shopify Store

Plan Your Store Structure
Choose a Clean and Responsive Theme
Streamline the Checkout Process
Enable Customer Reviews
Implement Abandoned Cart Recovery
Optimize for Search Engines (SEO)
Enable D2C

1. PlanYour Store Structure

Crafting the structure of your Shopify store demands thoughtful deliberation to ensure an intuitive and user-friendly layout.
Follow these steps to establish an effective store structure that enhances the overall shopping experience:

Understand Your Products

Begin by comprehending the products or services you’ll offer. Identify key attributes, variations, and relevant categorizations. This knowledge forms the foundation for a well- an organized store layout that effectively showcases your offerings.

Categorize Your Products

Organize your products into logical categories and subcategories based on their characteristics. Consider how your target audience would navigate and search for products. Balance broad categories that encompass a reasonable number of products with specific divisions to facilitate easy browsing.

Plan Collections

Create collections in Shopify, grouping products with shared attributes or relevance. Collections can be based on product type, brand, seasonality, or other relevant factors. This allows customers to explore products within specific themes or categories.

Consider Navigation and Menus

Construct a clear and intuitive navigation system. Utilize primary and secondary menus to provide easy access to different store sections, including product categories, collections pages, and additional features like blogs or contact information.

Think About Search Functionality

Implement a robust search functionality that enables customers to quickly find products based on keywords or specific attributes. While Shopify provides built-in search capabilities, consider enhancing it further with third-party apps or custom development if needed.
By following these steps, you’ll create a well-structured Shopify store that ensures a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

2. Choose a Clean and Responsive Theme

Selecting the optimal Shopify theme for your store requires thoughtful consideration of factors that align with your brand, functional requirements, and customer experience.

Therefore, before delving into theme options, pinpoint your specific needs. Assess the design elements, features, and functionalities essential for your store.

For instance, determine whether you require a theme that caters to extensive product catalogs, a specialized layout for image showcasing, or seamless integration with third-party apps.

To aid you in making the right choice, follow the subsequent steps.

Evaluate Your Branding

Seek a theme that aligns with your brand identity and values. Consider the overall aesthetics, including color schemes, typography, and customizable elements. Opt for a theme that presents your brand in the most appealing way.

Ensure Responsiveness

Verify that the theme is mobile-friendly and responsive, given the substantial traffic from mobile devices. Test the theme on various screen sizes to ensure seamless adaptation.

Prioritize User Experience (UX)

A good theme should offer a positive user experience with intuitive navigation, clear product presentation, and an easy-to-use shopping cart. Check the theme’s loading speed and look for performance optimization.

Review Ratings and Feedback

Check reviews and ratings to gauge the theme’s quality and reliability based on other users’ experiences. Seek themes with positive feedback and a good track record.

Explore Demos and Previews

Utilize theme demos and previews to assess features, layouts, and customization options. Evaluate how well the theme showcases your products and meets your expectations.

Consider Support and Documentation

Evaluate the level of support and documentation provided by the theme developer. Look for resources, documentation, and responsive customer support.

Check App Compatibility

Ensure the theme is compatible with specific Shopify apps or integrations you plan to use. Verify if the theme supports required app extensions or has built-in features to fulfill your needs.

Factor in Pricing

Consider your budget when choosing a theme, as Shopify offers both free and paid options with varying features and customization levels.

Look for Updates and Longevity

Prioritize themes that receive regular updates for compatibility with new Shopify versions and security patches. Themes with a history of longevity and ongoing development show commitment from the developer.

Emphasize Customizability

Choose themes that offer flexibility in layout, color schemes, and font options to tailor the appearance to your brand’s unique requirements.

3. Streamline the Checkout Process

When establishing a new store on Shopify, optimizing the checkout process becomes an indispensable aspect that must not be overlooked. Failing to fine-tune your Shopify checkout page with essential elements can lead to missed opportunities in converting potential users into paying customers.
To ensure a seamless checkout experience, consider these valuable tips:

Offer a Guest Checkout Option

Allow customers to check out without the need to create an account, as some users prefer a quicker purchase process without the hassle of signing up.

To enable this in the Shopify admin dashboard:
Navigate to “Settings” and then “Checkout.”
Under the “Customer contact method” section, uncheck the option “Require the customer to log in to their account before checkout.”
This will permit customers to check out without creating an account.

Incorporate Progress Indicators

Enhance the checkout experience by displaying a progress bar or step-by-step indicators, indicating the customer’s current stage in the checkout process. This approach helps customers understand how much more remains and reduces the likelihood of them abandoning the process.
Many Shopify themes come with built-in progress indicators for the checkout process. If your theme lacks this feature, consider installing a Shopify app or customizing your theme to include a progress bar or step-by-step indicators.

Present Multiple Payment Options

Increase the likelihood of completed purchases by offering various payment options, including popular ones like credit cards, PayPal, and digital wallets.
To enable these options in your Shopify admin dashboard:
Navigate to “Settings” and then “Payments.”
Enable popular payment gateways like Shopify Payments, PayPal, and other third-party payment options.
Consider adding digital wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay for faster and more convenient checkout experiences.

Facilitate Automatic Address

Completion Enhance the checkout process by implementing address autocomplete, reducing typing errors, and simplifying the entry of shipping details.
Shopify offers built-in address autocomplete functionality:
Go to “Settings” and then “Checkout” in your Shopify admin dashboard.
Under the “Order processing” section, check the box that says “Use address autocompletion.”

4. Enable Customer Reviews

In the digital era, seeking product reviews has become the first step for many customers before making online purchases. With the inability to physically experience products beforehand, online reviews play a crucial role in helping consumers make informed decisions.

Customer reviews not only aid buyers but also contribute to online retailers’ trust and credibility. They offer social proof, reassuring potential customers that your products or services are reliable, trustworthy, and worth investing in. In fact, retailers with excellent reviews see customers willing to spend an average of 31% more.
To incorporate customer reviews into your Shopify store, you have several options:

Built-in Shopify Reviews: Utilize Shopify’s built-in reviews feature that allows customers to leave reviews directly on your product pages. Enable this functionality in your Shopify settings, and customer reviews will be displayed alongside your products.

Third-Party Review Apps: Explore a wide array of third-party apps available on Shopify, providing more advanced review functionalities. These apps often include features like review moderation, customizable displays, and integration with social media platforms.

Social Media Reviews: In addition to customer reviews on your Shopify store, you can integrate social media reviews. Utilize social media feed integration apps from the Shopify App Store for this purpose.

To encourage customers to leave reviews after their purchases, consider sending follow-up emails, offering incentives like discounts or loyalty points, or implementing review request pop-ups on your website. By leveraging customer feedback, you can enhance the shopping experience and build a strong reputation for your brand.

5. Implement Abandoned Cart Recovery

Establish email notifications to remind customers about their abandoned products, motivating them to finalize their purchases and reclaim lost sales.
To begin, you have two options: utilize Shopify’s built-in abandoned cart recovery feature or install a specialized Shopify app for this purpose.

Here’s how you can set it up using Shopify’s built-in functionality:
Navigate to “Marketing” and then “Automation” in your Shopify dashboard.
Under “Recover sales with re-engagement automation,” activate “Abandoned product browse” to initiate the email notifications.

6. Optimize for Search Engines (SEO)

The significance of SEO in achieving business goals is recognized by 82% of marketers. According to Greg Bernhardt, an SEO senior specialist at Shopify, SEO functions as a potent inbound marketing strategy, bridging the gap between consumers and the solutions they seek.

eCommerce SEO revolves around strategically optimizing your web content to effectively communicate the value and relevance of your offerings to search engines.
Consequently, search engines can accurately match user queries with the solutions your store provides.

To optimize your Shopify store for SEO, follow these steps:

Perform Keyword Research Discover pertinent keywords and phrases that potential customers are likely to use when searching for products similar to yours. Utilize keyword research tools or platforms such as Google Keyword Planner to identify high-ranking and relevant keywords.

Enhance Your Product Pages Optimize your product pages with the following practices:
Employ descriptive and keyword-rich titles for each product.
Craft unique, engaging, and informative product descriptions that include the identified keywords.
Optimize product images by using descriptive file names and adding alt tags that provide context and relevance.

Enhance Your Site Structure

Create clean and concise URLs that incorporate relevant keywords.
Design a logical and organized navigation menu for a seamless user experience.
Implement breadcrumb navigation to aid users in understanding the site’s hierarchy.

Improve Page Loading Speed

Optimize image sizes by compressing them without compromising quality.
Minimize the usage of unnecessary apps or plugins that could slow down your site.
Enable browser caching to boost loading times for returning visitors.

Utilize Meta Tags

Craft compelling meta titles and descriptions for each page, including relevant keywords to increase click-through rates from search engine results pages.
Make the Most of Shopify’s SEO Features and Apps

Utilize the built-in SEO features offered by Shopify, including customizable meta tags and URL structures.
Explore the array of SEO apps available on the Shopify App Store, such as SEO Manager or Plug-in SEO, to further optimize your store and gain valuable insights.

7. Enable D2C

In fiercely competitive markets, where numerous competitors abound in every category, successful businesses flourish by nurturing a robust eCommerce brand with a unique identity tailored to their target market. By creating a distinctive presence and identity, eCommerce companies like yours have unlocked more efficient avenues for growth.

Though the market may be saturated, your capacity to set yourself apart through branding can empower you to build thriving customer bases and attain remarkable success.

Give Importance to Brand

Storytelling Brand storytelling entails crafting a narrative around your brand to establish a profound connection with customers. It enables you to communicate your brand’s values, mission, and history, fostering a strong emotional bond.
A notable example is Warby Parker, an eyewear company, which emphasises its mission to offer affordable and stylish glasses while actively supporting social initiatives.

Emphasize Product Benefits

Effectively communicate the features and advantages of your products to customers. This clarity helps them comprehend why your brand stands out from competitors.
For instance, HelloFresh, a meal kit delivery service, excels in highlighting the benefits of its offering. The company emphasises the convenience and time-saving advantages of its service.
Additionally, HelloFresh highlights how their meal kits simplify the cooking process by providing pre-measured ingredients and easy-to-follow recipes, eliminating the need for meal planning and grocery shopping.

Provide Subscription or Membership Options

By offering subscriptions or memberships, you grant customers regular access to your products or services, leading to recurring revenue and increased customer loyalty.

Peloton, a renowned fitness equipment, and digital content company, serves as a prime example of this strategy. Peloton has effectively adopted a subscription-based membership model. Customers who purchase Peloton exercise equipment gain access to their subscription service known as “Peloton All-Access Membership.”

With the Peloton All-Access Membership, customers enjoy unlimited access to a diverse array of on-demand fitness classes, including cycling, running, strength training, and more.

Customize the Customer Experience on Shopify

Maximize the capabilities of Shopify by utilizing a range of tools and apps to personalize the customer experience. Harness customer data and behavior tracking to offer tailored product recommendations, design targeted email marketing campaigns, and provide customized discounts or promotions.

Shopify’s built-in customer segmentation features allow you to categorize customers based on specific criteria, enabling the delivery of personalized experiences and enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

Implement a Referral Program on Shopify

Leverage Shopify’s array of apps and integrations to establish and manage a referral program for your store.

Utilize Shopify apps like Refersion or ReferralCandy to create customized referral programs, empowering existing customers to refer their friends in exchange for rewards or discounts. These apps efficiently track referrals and automate the reward distribution process, simplifying participation for your customers and driving new customer acquisition.

Effortless Multi-Channel Selling on Shopify

With Shopify’s robust multi-channel selling capability, you can seamlessly sell across various platforms and channels.
Leverage the Shopify ecosystem to integrate your online store with marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, or social media platforms.
This empowers you to reach a broader audience, manage inventory across channels, and deliver a consistent shopping experience, irrespective of where customers encounter your brand.

Implement Post-Purchase Marketing on Shopify

Utilize Shopify’s order management system and app integrations to effortlessly implement post-purchase marketing strategies.
Make use of Shopify’s built-in email automation or connect with email marketing apps like Klaviyo or Mailchimp to send personalized order confirmations, shipping notifications, and follow-up emails after a purchase.
Furthermore, encourage customers to leave reviews, provide feedback, and receive additional product recommendations based on their purchase history. This post-purchase engagement fosters customer loyalty and drives repeat purchases.


Establishing your D2C brand is undoubtedly a significant stride toward expanding your business. By having more customers shop directly from you, without intermediaries, you can generate increased revenue per customer.

However, your journey to becoming a D2C eCommerce brand might encounter some obstacles, such as a lack of expertise in eCommerce development and Shopify platform customization.

If you find yourself facing such challenges, seek the assistance of eCommerce experts like Techtic to create the most efficient shopping experiences. Reach out to our Shopify experts today to discuss your project.​



Techtic Solutions

Techtic Solutions Inc. headquartered in New York, USA is a leading mobile apps development and web development company to SMEs and enterprises worldwide.